Murdered by His Suga Dumpling??
Monday, July 13, 2009
, Posted by Atila the Hun at 7:51 AM

They tried to tole you. Never turn a h#$ into a housewife. But it is now suspected that Arturo Gatti's wife is his murderer. Police suspect that 23 year old Amanda Rodrigues, wife of Arturo Gatti, is in fact the murderer of the late 37 year old boxing legend. Brazilian authorities report that Rodrigues may have strangled Gatti in his sleep with the strap of her purse, and may have even stabbed him the back of the head with a small knife(Oh dear). While these allegations are only allegations at this time, police state that Gatti's wife is their "only suspect."
Gatti, who will forever be remembered as a beast in the ring, was allegedly also a beast in the strip club, and met shorty when she was just a fresh booty-popper. Now while warned by everyone around him that he was making a serious mistake with this relationship, apparently Gatti just could not relinquish the challenge of trying to tame society's wildest and most unpredictable creature: the drop dead skrippa.
Now while I really wish y'all fools would share your sukkaluv exploits, I know you won't, cuz you all think you're IceBerg Slim. But be honest, have any of you pimps(in training) ever tried to tame the savage beast known as the stripper? Hmnn? Any wins out there? Losses?
Strippers like any other chick. Beat em right and they beat u right.
GTFOH with that! U already KNOW he was probably beatin her a$$! this time he just beat on the wrong one!
i done dibbled and dabbled a bit;erry now and then a man has to make sure his pimpin up to par nawmean?
and what???
well what happened? i'm guessing it's pretty clear that you didn't "win" if your crass a$$ ain't braggin about it already.
naa the creepa like swim in the deepest of gully and emerge victorious every time...simmer dat.
the thing is, that after a minute, she gonna wanna go out somewhere. and your just not gonna wanna be seen out with her. i kept lookin over my shoulder and isht, lookin in people face. bad look u do have some shame in you, huh?
well at least that's nice to hear.
nuthin special about it down here. In the A strippin is like a legit profession. Strippers livin on every damn block, from the hood to the suburbs. Run into strippers in the supermarket, in class, at the mall, no scenes. Errybody done dated at least one, or at least a "former" skripper lol. Just part of the culture.
Well why dont you marry one. smh, legit profession. 404 is a bird.