Lottery Ticket Ganked?? NBA Baller Bails on His Wedding!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
, Posted by Atila the Hun at 8:11 AM

Oh dear. Ladies, take a minute to imagine being told that you will never have to work for the rest of your life. Imagine being told that every shoe that you ever lay eyes on for the rest of your life now belongs to you. Every jewel, every whip, every crib, all that yours. No one can say a word to your face, and everyone who has ever hated on you, laughed at you, or turned their nose up at you will now be forced to drink a tall glass of your fresh urine, chilled on frozen cubes of your sweat. When EVER they see you. Forever.
Alright, now we don't know how, or why, but apparently, a potential savior has abruptly cast off his chains only to return to the dark side. Richard Jefferson of the San Antonio Spurs, apparently decided to allow his financial independence to live to see another day, calling off a $2 million wedding scheduled to be held at the Mandarin Oriental in New York City. Jefferson was expected to marry Kesha Ni'Cole Nichols, in front of family and friends, and a number of guests showed up to the wedding, unaware that Jefferson had already decided not to suit up.
Ladies, where have all the good black cards gone??? Couldn't he at least wait for the divorce to leave?? I gotta tell you, some men are just so @#$%ing selfish.
Congratulations Mr. Jefferson, you are a slippery one(no ####). You may have escaped sukka4luvism for now, but it will be back. And we will be waiting.
head for the hills homey
u just got traded to play wit duncan
2 much winning to do
According to reports, NBA player Richard Jefferson called off his wedding at the last minute to former Net dancer Kesha Ni'Cole Nichols, but forgot to tell some of his guests who showed up last weekend for the nuptials...
The video from the scene:Kesha Ni'Cole Nichols-video
I think our message here at is starting to break through. I shed a tear today on behalf of our brother who some how found the strength to lead himself from the gates of suker 4 luv land. Let us all celebrate! We saved one, yes we saved one.
I think we learn today that we dont have to get burn to know that the fire is hot. Panic signing out!!! rah rah!!
Well said my brother!
Some a$$hole leaves a woman at the altar and that's what you're celebrating? What did she do to deserve that?
u need to go eff urself w/that howudoin isht, you and lonely a$$ brainfreeze probably deserve each other anyway.
Aw yes! kia2flop is perfect example of what happens on the other side of the suka 4 luv gate. The only defense an ugly chick has is the notion that the guy who disapproves of her uglyness, is gay.
Once you pass over the gate you will be bombarded buy this lesser form of human. Your only defense is to quickly buy a ticket to brazil (or any Spanish speaking country will do if tickets are sold out to brazil) and live your life.
While she spreads propaganda to her freinds about you being gay you will be in a room with 3-4 girls "living ya life". Just remember when you are about to say I do, you might be proposing to a kia2flop. Just a warning!